
Getting all of the Nutrients you need simply cannot be done without supplements.


Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Taking care of you and your families health, should be your first order of business.  The other night I was approached by one of my dear neighbors who works in construction.  He had some very legitimate concerns about getting vaccinated and asked me if I was going to get the shot?  This young man, I have now had the privilege of seeing him grow up to be a tall, strapping thirty year old.  I proceeded to inform him that I got my first shot of the Pfizer Vaccine and anxiously awaiting the call for my wife and I to get the second dose.  Due to underlying health issues both he and myself qualify for the Pfizer vaccine. Being diabetic 1, my neighbor was hesitant.  I asked him if the got the pneumonia vaccination as people who get Covid 19 can have further complications without it.  He proudly acknowledged. that yes, he has also taken the pneumonia vaccine.  ‘Good man’ I said.  Our socially distant conversation went on for some time and I encouraged him to call and book the Pfizer injection.  I only had some soreness in my arm as did my wife, some fatigue and aches that were remedied by taking a couple Tylenol.  Concerns about taking AstraZeneca And Janssen are justified and either way, you should talk to your doctor and pharmacist in making a decision that is best for you.  All our body chemistries are different and beside yourself, the only people that know it best besides yourself are your doctor and pharmacist.  The best advise is to get all the information you can about what you can expect and look out for no matter which vaccine you are cleared to take along with medications needed if any reactions arise.  All I can tell you thus far is all those I know of who have taken either of the vaccines are fine and looking forward to their second dose.   Let’s get it done, the sooner the better as we may also be continuing the use of hand sanitizers, masking, washing hands and social distancing as an ongoing part of our daily routine.

The development of the following Solutions Package came about after the lock down with plans to re-open.  The Gold Fire Group got it right.  During the strictest restrictions included, when and where to mask, the  importance of hand sanitizers, washing hands and social distancing.  Going beyond those restrictions brought forward the important need to do ‘contact tracing’ by staff and employees, which has become even more important today and during this third wave.  It is much like making an appointment, noting the name, time and contact number of your guest/customer.  This will become key in proving an all out effort was taken to aid in the prevention of Covid 19.  Highly recommend the purchase of the package below that has been dropped from a value of $250.00 to $50.00 as our way of supporting business through these difficult times.

Feel free to contact us for a FREE assessment to identify to what degree of protection and safety your operation will need to re-open and stay open.

Be that model business.

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